Thursday, December 11, 2008

L.A. t.v. c'est loco!

On Sunday evening I was enjoying some downtime flipping through the t.v. stations to see what was on. We recently got a digital convertor box, so we have all of the extra digital channels. For example, NBC4 has three stations: 4-1, 4-2 & 4-4. We don't have cable, so it is extra exciting to have so many new channels.

I watched some of the Chinese station trying to understand a little of what they said. I didn't get very far, so I flipped to PBS (we have about 8 channels of PBS now) where I found the crazy French teacher. I quickly called Brian in. He loves opportunities to test his French skills. I took two semesters in college, but Brian minored in French. The crazy French teacher set up different scenarios where the viewer should watch to learn more French vocabulary. After about 10 minutes I'd only caught about a dozen words I understood, so I retired to the bedroom to read. Brian continued watching and was excited to have learned a few new words.

As I was sitting in bed I reflected in just how many languages I'd watched on t.v. that night. Of course, we have a lot of Spanish language channels. Then, there was the crazy French teacher on PBS. But, I hit the jackpot on the Asian station. There I saw programming in Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese and Armenian. So, in the end, I watched t.v. in eight different languages! Considering that we are leaving the country next year to move overseas, I giggle at ways that Father is preparing us for living in a different culture... even if that is just watching t.v. and understanding only 5% of what was said.