Wednesday, November 30, 2011

West Coast meets the Far East

This is some graffiti art that we found near our school. For those of you who can read the Chinese, please forgive us if it says anything inappropriate. We cut out the bad stuff in English. :)

This is just another influence from the U.S. that we find in our city. Being that our city is considered smaller we are amazed at how Western influences have made it this far out in China. Other things we see are a lot of Western products like Oreo cookies, Lay's potato chips, Johnson & Johnson baby products and, of course, Coca-Cola. Recently the second Dairy Queen and Pizza Hut opened in our city. (We still have no McDonald's.) We also see Western influences in clothing and lifestyle. Sadly, some of our bad habits from the West are making it here to China, like smoking and promiscuity. Something we were surprised by is that now more Chinese are putting their babies to sleep in cribs. This is very recent. The tradition is to have the baby sleep in the bed with the parents.

So, should you like to come to China and visit us, you might be surprised by what familiar things you find!