Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Heatwave 2008

We never thought that we'd be so happy to have a daytime high of 95 degrees. Yesterday, we were almost giddy. We cooked at home for the first time in about four days, and we even used the oven to bake some brownies.

Why is this so monumental? Because we had a solid seven straight days where the temperature was at least 100 degrees. The temperatures topped at 107 degrees more than once! This is the longest heatwave that we could remember. We often have a two or three-day run of 100 degree temps, but not seven straight days!

Over this week Brian and I spent a lot of time at our local library and other places that had good air conditioning. As this is our first summer in our new apartment we weren't aware of how poor the insulation was. We were only able to air condition our bedroom, and we had to keep it running all night long to be able to sleep. Our poor foster-cat quickly learned that the best place in the apartment was on our bed where the fan from the AC was blowing. This was after about two days of her "yelling" at us. We imagine that what she said was something like, "Turn off the heat, you dummies!"

But, all three of us made it through. I managed to come down with the flu over the past four days. Having a fever during a heatwave is not much fun. Brian took very good care of me. We made it through! I think that Brian and I ate our weight in popsicles and ice cream. That was the fun part!