Saturday, June 7, 2008

Picture time!

This blog has been lacking in photos, so here we go...
(p.s. Check out our website for more photos and fun:

By the way, we got married. Here's the evidence. Special thanks to Cliff, the Canadian papparazzi, who snapped this during the ceremony.

Our first hiking group! This was our group for March. Brian and I hope to organize trips every two months or so. This was at Malibu Creek State park. We thought we'd hike only 5 miles, but that turned into 8! We never found the "pretty view" but did find an old abandoned house. I (Annie) was there too. Someone had to take the picture.

No matter how much or how hard I tried, this one just would not rotate. So, lay your head on the side of the table and enjoy BRIAN-FIL-A! This was Brian's graduation day from Talbot. He was required to attend. We decided that if we had to drive 35 miles we'd enjoy some Chick-fil-A too! The closest one to us is aboutt 25 miles, so this was quite a treat. See! Brian is enjoying it very much! Oh yeah, and he is happy to have completed his second master's degree.

This is Darla, the cat-child. She managed to get up in the window even though it was only open a few inches. Amazingly, she managed to get out too! She definitely lives up to the adage : "Curiosity killed the cat." She is quite feisty and likes to get in places where she doesn't belong.

Hike #2, Memorial Day at Griffith Park. This is an area of the park known as the "old zoo." It really was the Los Angeles Zoo until the mid-1960's. The cages are now open for anyone to use for fun photo opportunities. I don't know if we ever agreed as to what kind of animal we were supposed to be. And for this one we figured out how to set the camera on a rock and set the timer so that we could take a picture with everyone in it!